Top Gun 2 to Finally Take Flight? |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Friday, 15 October 2010 08:35 |
Rumours have been flying through the clouds for a while now about a Top Gun sequel, and now it looks even more likely to happen - Paramount have offered Tony Scott the chance to return for Top Gun 2, and have got Usual Suspects writer Christopher McQuarrie on deck to work on the script.
The new updated screenplay would see a smaller part for Tom Cruise, who refuses to return as Maverick in some obvious, cliched way. So hopefully it'll turn out he's Keyser Soze.
Reuniting Jerry Bruckheimer with Scott for a testosterone-fuelled follow-up to the 80s classic, Top Gun 2 has just had an injection of cash ($350m since you asked) from Skydance productions - owned by Top Gun fan David Ellison, who was inspired by the film to become a pilot before heading to film school.
The chance for Cruise to reprise one of his most popular roles would do wonders for the star's credibility, which has dropped over the past couple of years. And Bruckheimer is hardly churning out quality work these days. Will the original's manly spark still be there? Can Cruise still be your wingman anytime?
Sharlto Copley May Join Men In Black 3 |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Friday, 15 October 2010 07:32 |
MIB III just got a lot more interesting: Sharlto Copley is in talks to star in the sci-fi sequel, along with Alec Baldwin and Gemma Arterton.
Barry Sonnenfeld's 3D entry in the series is probably one of the most pointless ideas since someone invented the chickpea, but the wave of new talent certainly makes it more intriguing.
The District 9 star is negotiating for the part of "a fast-talking Yoda-type alien" - a description which sounds horrible, but probably quite apt for the improv-heavy comedian. Alex Baldwin, meanwhile, will be the head of MIB in the 60s, with Gemma Arterton looking at the role of his secretary.
MIB III still stars Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones as Agents Jay and Kay, who travel back in time to 1969 to stop evil villain Yaz (Jemaine Clement). And they totally meet a younger version of Tommy Lee Jones (Josh Brolin). Meanwhile, Emma Thompson appears as the modern day MIB chief. Just in case the other names weren't exciting enough for you.
I shouldn't be so easily won over by the prospect of added Sharlto Copley to anything. On the other hand, I clearly should. Discuss.
Spider-Man's New Villain Is... The Lizard! |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Thursday, 14 October 2010 08:26 |
After Rhys Ifans' involvement was revealed earlier this week, Spider-Man's villain has been revealed. As we expected, Spidey will be facing off against The Lizard - presuming the leak's true of course.
The Wrap announced their exclusive source, who confirmed that Ifans would be playing the part of Dr Curt Connors, aka the Lizard. Connors is a scientist who tries to regenerate his missing arm, only for experiments to go horribly wrong and turn him into a big pile of genetic mess.
Connors has a complex relationship with Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker, acting as something of a mentor for the young scientist while he's at school - expect some solid chemistry (ahem) between Ifans and Garfield.
The saddest part of all this? Poor old Dylan Baker. Who? Exactly. Baker played the part of Dr Connors in Sam Raimi's Spidey franchise, a supporting character waiting to be developed (perhaps in the ill-fated fourth film) into a major villain. He'll be a bit annoyed about Rhys Ifans waltzing in and getting it straight off. No matter how sexy his grey y-fronts are.
Neil Patrick Harris Will Direct First Feature Film |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Thursday, 14 October 2010 08:00 |
Neil Patrick Harris will be making his directorial debut with Aaron and Sarah. Who sound like lovely people.
Aaron's a geek and Sarah's a popular girl, who go through high school gradually falling in love. An indie romantic comedy, then, for Mr Harris, who has previously directed episodes of How I Met Your Mother and a production of Rent in LA over the summer.
Will he be awesome? Probably. After all, this is the man who can sing, dance, defeat invading super-bugs, and wear suits like no other. He also has a PhD in Horribleness. There's almost nothing Neil Patrick Harris can't do. Including appear in The Smurfs movie.
Written by Chad Gomez and Dara Resnik Creazey, Aaron and Sarah was once in David O Russell territory, but has fallen into the backyard of HIMYM's Barney. Mr Harris will be giving instructions to both Emma Roberts (Scream 4) and Josh Hutcherson (Journey to the Centre of the Earth).
Tom Hardy Joins Batman 3 |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Thursday, 14 October 2010 07:29 |
Tom Hardy has been recruited for Christopher Nolan's third Batman film. The world rejoices.
It may not be much of a surprise after his scene-stealing performance in Inception, but Nolan has brought in Hardy for an unconfirmed role in Batman 3. So naturally everyone is presuming he'll play the villain. And everyone's presuming the villain is The Riddler.
All the rumour and conjecture is a little pre-emptive, but it's hard not to be a little excited. Especially with Hardy coming off the back of Thomas Alfredson's Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy - he's getting some top-notch work at the moment. You could include Mad Max: Fury Road in there too, I suppose, but luckily that's been delayed so he has time for The Dark Knight's return.
With the script being scribbled away by Jonah Nolan and David Goyer, Batman 3 is slowly starting to gather momentum. Until the inevitable announcement that Tom will be playing Robin. Or Batgirl. Or, even worse, Mr Freeze.
Aronofsky Approaching Wolverine 2 Instead of Warner Bros |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Wednesday, 13 October 2010 08:48 |
Darren Aronofsky is looking increasingly likely to take on the helm of Wolverine 2. Which would explain why he just turned down Tales from the Gangster Squad.
Bryan Singer did it. Christopher Nolan did it. And now the director of The Wrestler seems ready to make that jump from personal independent projects to big studio releases. And that change in career will probably begin with X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2.
Warner Bros almost bagged Aronosfky for Tales from the Gangster Squad after Ben Affleck turned it down. But he's jumping from one studio to another with Wolverine, which he is in serious talks to direct. The main bonus for him? The chance to work with Hugh Jackman again.
Reuniting with The Fountain's star is one of the main appeals of this sequel, which could pretty much be summed up by the word "pointless". But if they're going from Christopher McQuarrie's script based on Frank Miller's material, set in Japan with a female love interest, and Hugh Jackman and Darren Aronofsky are given a free reign to make the film they want, this could turn out quite interesting.
That's a whole lot of ifs, though. At least Mr Aronofsky would get more money to take home to Mrs Aronofsky and the kids (well, an engaged Rachel Weisz and one son). He deserves that much - especially if Black Swan delivers on its huge buzz.
Portman Up Against Rapace for Alien Prequel |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Wednesday, 13 October 2010 07:39 |
Natalie Portman is looking the favourite in the hunt for the lead female role for Ridley Scott's Alien prequel. The person she'll have to beat? Noomi Rapace.
With Lost's key player Damon Lindelof having recently finished a new draft of the script, Scott is still casting about for his feisty female star. And Natalie Portman is pretty much available, now that she's dropped out of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (which she's producing) and also dropped out of Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity.
Studio peeps seem pleased with Lindelof's work so far, with the leading role taking the form of a female military general. Scott's been meeting with a lot of actresses in the preparation for what is generally thought to be a return to the original Alien's suspenseful horror feel. The director's already met with Noomi and liked her a lot, but Natalie Portman is top of the list, and a pretty solid choice too. There's only one way to settle this... FIGHT!
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