Interview: Paddy Considine

We chat to the Tyrannosaur director about moving behind the camera and making a masterpiece.

10 Films You Should See at Raindance 2011

Intriguing, provocative, downright weird - here's what to see at this year's indie festival.

12 Double-Bills You Should See at the LFF

Forget the two servings of Clooney and the naked Fassbender sandwich. Here are 12 double-bills you should see at the London Film Festival 2011

Review: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tinker Tailor Blooming Marvellous


10% cars, 20% Carey Mulligan and 70% Ryan Gosling smiling slowly, Drive is 100% awesome.

How to Stop the End of the World

If you were affected by the issues raised in Melancholia, here's a guide to avoiding the apocalypse.


A heavyweight drama, Warrior is obvious, but undeniably moving. It's a hard slog, but it's worth it.

The Skin I Live In

A sexy masterpiece that excites as much as it unsettles. Demented, disturbing and terrifyingly brilliant.

Crazy, Stupid, Love

The film can't quite classify itself as drama or comedy, but it's the mix of the two elements that makes it all so true.

BlogalongaBond: The Man with the Golden Gun

Or, How to Ruin a Really Good Bond Book


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Home Videos: The Lion King (1994) Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 04 October 2011 06:39


Yes, that's the sound of me singing in South African as I continue my relentless quest to re-watch all the VHS tapes gathering dust in my attic. This week, the greatest Disney video in my childhood collection: The Lion King.

It's being released in UK cinemas in 3D this week (the trailer's this way) - no surprise really, given how gorgeous it looks in good old low-def, analogue 2D:



New Muppets Posters Make Tuesday Better Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 04 October 2011 06:30

Yep. Those furry fuzzballs of happiness made Tuesday morning seem like a happy place, full of piano-playing dogs, banjo-playing frogs and tennis balls with eyes stuck on their heads.


The only thing better than the new posters for The Muppets movie (out in the UK in Februrary next year *grumble grumble)? Our video wall of The Bestest Muppets Videos of All Time (including the spoof trailers - and that Pierce Brosnan sketch from Muppets tonight).

Before you overdose on Muppety video goodness, read on to see all four wonderful new posters.

How to Stop the End of the World Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Saturday, 01 October 2011 11:52

You know how it is. You're walking along, look up in the sky, and suddenly a massive rock is heading towards Earth ready to crash into your face. Quick as a flash, you run around like a nutter trying to find the best way to stay alive and warn everyone else on the planet. 

In between scrawling "THE END IS NIGH" on a sandwich board and running around naked like Kirsten Dunst, you rifle through your DVD collection of movie apocalypses to work out what to do. Armageddon? Deep Impact? What about zombies or natural disasters? Then you realise that you've actually just been watching Lars von Trier's Melancholia, out this weekend in UK cinemas, and that the world isn't about to end after all.

Oh well, at least you've got this handy set of instructions for when the apocalypse actually arrives...


A movie guide - How to stop the end of the world

For more end of world goodness, head this way to watch the Melancholia trailer.


Alternatively, take a look at some of our other How To... infographics, including How to Kill Your Horrible BossHow to Slay a VampireHow to Survive an Alien Invasion - and a diagram of Christian Bale Punching People.


New War Horse Poster Contains Major Spoiler Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Wednesday, 28 September 2011 06:47

The new War Horse poster has turned up online, all pretty skies and dramatic tagline.

But for those who don't know anything about Steven Spielberg's moving story of one boy (Jeremy Irvine) and his horse, Joey (played by a horse), who is sold to war by his father, only for the boy to follow, it contains a major spoiler...


Home Videos: Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi (1983) Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 27 September 2011 06:40

With the recent release of the trilogies on Blu-ray, it was inevitable that in between the Cambridge Film Festival and Raindance Film Festival, I would find the time to crawl back into my nostalgia hole and watch me some Star Wars. Not the DVD or the Blu-ray release, of course, but the lovely battered VHS I've had since I were a wee geek (or week, for short).  

For reasons which I'm still not entirely sure about, Return of the Jedi used to be my favourite of the original trilogy. So I stuck in that for some quality Sunday afternoon viewage.



The end result? Proper childhood happiness.

Lots of people think that Return of the Jed is the weaker of the three original Star Wars films, but if it is, it's not by much. From the still-rather-stunning Princess Leia in a bikini to the epic lightsaber battle at the end, it's a great, over-the-top climax for George Lucas' franchise.

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