Saturday, 14 January 2012 Written by Ivan Radford

If you've seen David Fincher's Dragon Tattoo, the opening credits probably blew you away with their angry, sub-Bond style and loud cover of Led Zeppelin's The Immigrant Song by Trent Reznor and Karen O. At the very least, they should have made a strong impression, presuming you don't already think that it was the best title sequence of the whole year.
Now, you can watch those Dragon Tattoo opening credits online - thanks to Tim Miller and Blur Studio's superb design, it's 154 seconds of your life that you won't regret losing.
Yet to make your mind up about your favourite titles from the past 12 months? Read on for the top 5 opening credits of 2011.
Captain America - As You've Never Seen Him Before
Tuesday, 06 December 2011 Written by Ivan Radford
Captain America was released on DVD yesterday - and most fans of the comic book (and non-fans) received Joe Johnston's film pretty well. Even I grudgingly admitted that Marvel's evil campaign to take over Hollywood has remained consistently decent (Hulk movies and Iron Man 2 aside), with both Mr. USA and Thor proving a heck of a lot of fun.
But if you want to see a really impressive interpretation of The Avengers' most patriotic member, try this:
It's from Springfield Punx, a blog that I've been looking at more and more over the past year. Reinterpreting fictional folk as residents in The Simpsons' home town, it's a hive of inspired design from artist Dean Fraser. Here's his take on the rest of The Avengers...
Tuesday, 11 October 2011 Written by Ivan Radford
The trailer for JOSS WHEDON'S The Avengers is here - and I hate the fact that it looks rather awesome.
They've even managed to avoid spoilers from all the other Marvel films, which is quite impressive.
Saturday, 30 July 2011 Written by Ivan Radford
With all the "Captain America this", "super soldier whatever", and "Chris Evans I'd do that", people seem to be under the impression that Marvel's patriotic Avenger is the strongest, hunkiest, most awesomest superhero ever. (He is actually pretty good - here's our Captain America review.)
But there's a better superhero on the block now. Why? Because I came up with THIS at 1am last night:
As you can see, he's got telepathy, teleportation, flight - all the top superhero powers. Plus Wonder Woman's breasts. And a can of Duff beer. And a shovel. What's not to like? (Sadly, I couldn't think of any superheroes that were dinosaurs.)
I expect Marvel to be in touch shortly. Either to sue me, or to add Professor Mega-Super-Wonder-Beast-Cy-Crawler-ine-with-Breasts to the line-up for The Avengers next year. I bet it's the latter.
Thursday, 28 July 2011 Written by Ivan Radford
Director: Joe Johnston
Cast: Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Tommy Lee Jones, Hayley Atwell
Certificate: 12A
Captain America: The First Avenger proclaims the title in Marvel’s typical Avengers-promoting fashion. After all the films advertising the 2012 blockbuster, it's a wonder Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) hasn't become bored of getting the band back together and gone home to polish his eye patch.
Fortunately, Captain America is worth the wait. But now he's here, everyone wants to know two things: How many Nazis does he kill? And how many times does Chris Evans take his shirt off? The answer to both: not enough.
Trailer: Captain America: The First Avenger
Thursday, 30 June 2011 Written by Ivan Radford
Director: Joe Johnston
Cast: Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell, Dominic Cooper, Toby Jones, Stanley Tucci
Release Date: Friday 29th July
Captain America: The First Avenger will focus on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America.
As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) to wage war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving).
One of a continuing slate of films being produced by Marvel Studios based on the Marvel characters, Captain America: The First Avenger joins Thor and The Avengers out in 2012.
Thursday, 24 March 2011 Written by Ivan Radford
After that preview at Superbowl, the lack of a full trailer for Captain America was starting to worry the Marvel crowd. We could almost have pieced it together ourselves from all the 6 second clips that kept turning up online - someone probably did. But it's here now. And it's good.
Running through the movie's basic set up (Steve Rogers is a wuss, gets experimented on, hello Mr. Buff), it's nothing revelatory in terms of plot, but it does give us a look at Chris Evans' pathetic damp squib before he gets his Super Soldier on. It's surprising how much a floppy fringe can do. That and a bucketload of CGI. It sort of works. In a weird kind of way.
It's not as exciting as Thor in my books and will no doubt wind up a lot like the other superhero flicks we've had to put up with, but Marvel's flagship Avengers preview shows no sign of dropping the ball yet. And by ball I mean shield, of course. Kudos to Joe Johnston, too - here's hoping it doesn't go all Wolfman on us.
Captain America is released in UK cinemas on Friday 29th July. Read on for the full video, and be sure to pause at 1:47 and sample the delights of a very red-faced Hugo Weaving.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
"It's not easy to do what you did... You made my men look like a bunch of minimum wage mal cops."
It's a lot like the Comic-Con footage shown before (no surprise given it's a mere fraction of the length) but at the end of the day, it's got a blonde dude (Chris Hemsworth), Natalie Portman, and a massive hammer. What more could you want? Anthony Hopkins in a golden eyepatch, perhaps? You've got that as well. The world-melding plot of Kenneth Branagh's 3D take on the comic book figure of legend may not set your manly eyebrows on fire, but it's got a potential to at least be different to Iron Man 3.
Can Kenneth Branagh pull this off after the glut of superhero movies we've had to put up with? It's not looking completely impossible judging by this new Thor trailer. It's out on Friday 29th April. Read on for the full video.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
The full-size submarine created for Captain America has turned up. In Liverpool. More specifically, in The Daily Post.
Yes, in a triumph for local reporting, Liverpool's Post has published exclusive photos of the sub on set in Stanley Dock, which has been transformed into 1940s New York.
Rumours of a boat being built have apparently been going round Liverpool for a while - some even thought a German U-Boat was being constructed - but now locals have got a glimpse of Marvel's heavily guarded set.
Directed by Joe Johnston, Captain America: The First Avenger stars Chris Evans as the titular superhero. It tells the origins of soldier Steve Rogers, who undergoes a series of experiments to become a super warrior.
Captain America will hit cinemas in July next year. Head over to The Daily Post for more details, or read on for the full pictures.
Saturday, 24 July 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
Well, Marvel have managed it: they've successfully replaced Edward Norton with Mark Ruffalo.
As today's Marvel panel at Comic-Con draws closer, Deadline have confirmed that the deal has been signed, just in time to wheel out Ruffalo in front of Hall H's screaming geek hordes in a a matter of hours.
Not that they've announced it officially, of course - Marvel want the big reveal to come on stage in San Diego, when they line-up all of The Avengers. Well, Chris Evans (Captain America), Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk).
Add in Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L Jackson and it's a solid cast for director Joss Whedon - confirmed by himself earlier in the week - and he'll be pleased with Marvel's last-minute save. It's sad to see Edward Norton go, but Ruffalo? He's an awesome character actor too. And he's a good fit for the role.
As for Ant-Man? Well, the less said about Nathan Fillion's joke announcement the better - it's mean to laugh at all the people that one fooled.