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Home Blog Latest Captain America Trailer Hits
Captain America Trailer Hits Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Thursday, 24 March 2011 08:05

After that preview at Superbowl, the lack of a full trailer for Captain America was starting to worry the Marvel crowd. We could almost have pieced it together ourselves from all the 6 second clips that kept turning up online - someone probably did. But it's here now. And it's good.

Running through the movie's basic set up (Steve Rogers is a wuss, gets experimented on, hello Mr. Buff), it's nothing revelatory in terms of plot, but it does give us a look at Chris Evans' pathetic damp squib before he gets his Super Soldier on. It's surprising how much a floppy fringe can do. That and a bucketload of CGI. It sort of works. In a weird kind of way.

It's not as exciting as Thor in my books and will no doubt wind up a lot like the other superhero flicks we've had to put up with, but Marvel's flagship Avengers preview shows no sign of dropping the ball yet. And by ball I mean shield, of course. Kudos to Joe Johnston, too - here's hoping it doesn't go all Wolfman on us.

Captain America is released in UK cinemas on Friday 29th July. Read on for the full video, and be sure to pause at 1:47 and sample the delights of a very red-faced Hugo Weaving.





