The A-Team

A two-hour long montage, The A-Team tries to bust one too many blocks. It's not the best, but ridiculous? Yes. Fun? Yeah, that too.

The Karate Kid

The Karate Kid is family friendly, heart-warming stuff. Especially the bit where Jackie Chan beats up a load of school kids.


More a series of vignettes than a conventional biopic, Gainsbourg captures your attention and then fills your head with stylish distractions. Like puppets. And animation. And breasts.

Toy Story 3

Pixar provide a note-perfect end to a phenomenal trilogy. Toy Story 3 is a triumph of modern animation.

Cutting Culture, Not Cost

Farewell to the UK Film Council - Mike Leigh calls Jeremy Hunt's decision "totally out of order". He's not totally wrong.


Impossible. Intelligent. Incredible. Inception is a 5 star film that dazzles as much as it boggles.


Terrifying and gross, Splice gives its horrible theme a twisted heart. As disturbing as it is fascinating.

Twilight: Eclipse

Over-acted but not over-long, Eclipse is a step up from New Moon. This trashy horror romance has rediscovered something vital: a pulse.

Brief Encounters: The A-Team

"The Dead Sea Scrolls are hilarious!" - we love it when a press conference comes together.


Modern yet retro, Predators is the perfect fan-made beast: trashy, dumb and deliriously fun.


Kristin Scott Thomas continues to prove herself one of the best bi-lingual actresses around – when she’s English she’s very good, and when she’s French she’s faultless.

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Tag:adrien brody

Have you ever wondered what a spliced organism eats for dinner? Well, with Splice out this Friday, you won't have to wonder for much longer.

Vincenzo Natali's engaging sci-fi horror introduces the world to Dren, a creature bred from a mix of DNA, including human. But with wings, a tail and a disturbing appetite, it's no wonder she loves to attack people now and then. And you can see her do exactly that with a horrible new clip from the film.

Exec-produced by Guillermo Del Toro, Splice is a freaky and unique beast (review over here), which sees Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley push scientific boundaries way into messed up territory. But if science fiction's your thing and you rather like monsters, head over to the Newstead Pharmaceuticals website, where you can send novelty emails to your friends and claim they've been spliced.

Alternatively, check out the trailers in our video section, or just read on for the brand new clip.

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UPDATE: Final Scott Pilgrim Trailer Remix!

Ok, at first you may not have been convinced - a remix of a trailer? What's the point? Well, as Osymyso has clearly proved, the point is that it's frickin' awesome. Seven evil times awesome thanks to the last, final video over at JoBlo. Which means there are no more remixes. WHAT?

Yes, Scott Pilgrim vs the World is still on its way towards us - the videos lead perfectly up to this week's Comic-Con - and those of us with a spinal cord still in tact are slobbering over the carpet like starved dogs. Dogs who like comic books and really, really good movies.

To reinforce this dignified pose, Edgar has brought in Brit DJ Osymyso to come up with some remixed trailers, leading up to the massive Comic-Con preview which will obviously stun us all. The first one - Prepare - takes a track from the score (Bass Battle) and a load of cool dialogue and turns it into a work of visual genius. The second is a quick riff on character intros, simply called "Hey".

Remember the Spaced Jam on the series' DVD? Yeah, it's the same guy. And he's still got the magic.

Expect more magic in the run-up to Friday August 25th. Until then, read on for pure Pilgrim amazement. Epic epicness, if you will.


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Director: Nimrod Antal
Cast: Adrien Brody, Laurence Fishburne, Alice Braga, Danny Trejo, Topher Grace
Certificate: 15

"A slightly above-average actioner that tries to compensate for tissue-thin plot with ever-more-grisly death sequences and impressive special effects" - that was Variety back in 1987 on John McTiernan's original Predator. And it's a pretty accurate analysis. Undeveloped characters, non-existent story, over-the-top gore. Step in Robert Rodriguez and Nimrod Antal, ready to give modern audiences more of the same. The result is one heck of a reboot. Remake. Sequel. Thing.

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Remember that feeling? That clammy, butt-clenching feeling you get when you watch alien creatures slicing and dicing humans like sweet potato? Predators' new trailer has got that in bucket loads. Yes, the latest glimpse at Nimrod Antal's take on the franchise started all those years ago by John McTiernan is absolutely without a doubt massively promising.

Guns? Check. Humans? Check. Mud? Check. Predators (plural)? Hell yes. With Robert Rodriguez keeping an eye on things, Antal's gone the whole hog with his energetic entry in the Predator universe, grouping together its kick-ass cast (Laurence Fishburne, Alice Braga, Danny Trejo, the list continues) without any sign of annoying Alien vs Predator-style dialogue to set it all up.

Even better, Adrien Brody manages to convince as Royce, a mercenary who not only leads the group, but looks and sounds like a man. A butch manly man. If they can pull that off, then frankly, this really can't fail. Especially with the amount of blood on show in these mere 146 seconds. Enough jabbering - read on to experience the fear (and intense joy) for yourself. Oh, there's a cool new poster as well.

Predators is released on Thursday 8th July. The other videos (including that enticing sneak peek) are over here.

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Fishburne Will Fight Predators

For all you folks who were like "who?" when Nimrod Antal's name came out of the hat, here's one to stick in your pipe: Laurence Fishburne. Yes, Laurence frickin' Fishburne has joined the cast of Antal's Predators - surprising, until you remember that they just completed a project together (Armored).

Robert Rodriguez is still overseeing this as producer, which is a wonderful sign, but with Adrien Brody and Danny Trejo on board, Antal's efforts are quite clear on one thing: this is going to be seriously bad ass. After all, once that band of people land on Planet Predator, only to discover nasty crap going on, all hell and dreadlocks will no doubt break loose. After all, this is Laurence Fishburne we're talking about. Morpheus. Versus. Predator. Now that's how you restart a franchise.

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