Just as everyone calms down after the first teaser for The Social Network turned up, along comes another. The new trailer for David Fincher's Facebook movie treads a similar line to the first, focussing on Aaron Sorkin's snappy dialogue.
A lot of it is, in fact, repeated here. But now they've added text. As in, Facebook chat-style text. In which tensions blow sky high between Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) and his fellow Harvard programmers.
It makes for a interesting read/watch, throwing out sentences as quickly as the cast can overlap them - co-stars Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield have clearly got their mouths around Sorkin's crackling speech, and it's great to have a two minute showcase just for that.
The trailer's online thanks to Sony, but read on for the full video. You'll *like* this one even more.