Promethweekus: Alien Cupcakes |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Saturday, 02 June 2012 12:41 |

After the successful second year of Oscarnomnomnom and those lovely Avengers cupcakes, I've decided to embrace my inner baking nerd and start blogging movie cupcakes each month. Because let's face it, I'd probably be baking them anyway, so I might as well take pictures and make you lot jealous.
Following the edible Avengers goodness, I therefore turned my doughy fingers to the next big movie on its way to cinemas. An inspirational, stylish, colourful film, well-suited to the cute, family-friendly nature of the innocent cupcake. Yes, I present to you the world's first Prometheus-inspired baked goods. If H.R. Giger makes you hungry or you want your chest to burst with cakey goodness, then these babies will hug your face off.
Ridley Scott-themed Alien cupcakes? It's probably a good thing I don't have children. Read on for the full recipe and stuff - or head this way for a Prometheus review (spoiler: it's quite good).
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Avengers cupcakes assemble! |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Thursday, 26 April 2012 08:42 |

Marvel's amazing Avengers Assemble is out in UK cinemas today. And what better way to celebrate than with super-cupcakes?
Now, anyone who's spoken to me for more than 10 minutes is probably all-too-aware of my obsessive baking habits. From this James Bond birthday cake to the annual OscarNomnomnom Challenge, I love me some edible film goodness. So here you go: some freshly made Avengers cupcakes.
But rather than just post a picture and be all smug and fat about it (yes, I ate them all), I thought: why should I get to have all the fun? So read on for the full recipe and instructions to help you assemble your very own Avengers cupcakes. (Note: get an adult to help you with Arc Reactor part - or at least a robotic arm.)
Oh, and by all means send me pictures of yours if you think they're better (they probably are.) Bonus points if you come up a cupcake design for Black Widow that isn't just two massive balls of marzipan in a black icing jumpsuit. Mmmm.... Scarlett Johansson and marzipan...
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Oscar Nomnomnom Challenge 2012: The Winners |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Monday, 27 February 2012 16:07 |

And there you have it. Another year's Oscars out of the way, with little to stick in the memory other than Bret McKenzie's red carpet pose, Angelina Jolie's legs and Sacha Baron Cohen spilling Kim Jong Il's ashes over Ryan Seacrest.
But while people moan about the dull ceremony, predictable winners and the fact that the Oscars don't mean anything anyway, we all know otherwise. Because for all their glitz and shallow self-congratulating pomp, the Academy Awards stand for something far more serious: cupcakes.
Who predicted the most awards correctly? Who will get to munch on Meryl's blue frosting? Who will feast upon The Tree of Life-shaped fondant?
Here, in reverse order, are the results of this year's Oscar Nomnomnom Challenge...
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