You know how it is. You're walking along, look up in the sky, and suddenly a massive rock is heading towards Earth ready to crash into your face. Quick as a flash, you run around like a nutter trying to find the best way to stay alive and warn everyone else on the planet.
In between scrawling "THE END IS NIGH" on a sandwich board and running around naked like Kirsten Dunst, you rifle through your DVD collection of movie apocalypses to work out what to do. Armageddon? Deep Impact? What about zombies or natural disasters? Then you realise that you've actually just been watching Lars von Trier's Melancholia, out this weekend in UK cinemas, and that the world isn't about to end after all.
Oh well, at least you've got this handy set of instructions for when the apocalypse actually arrives...

For more end of world goodness, head this way to watch the Melancholia trailer.
Alternatively, take a look at some of our other How To... infographics, including How to Kill Your Horrible Boss, How to Slay a Vampire, How to Survive an Alien Invasion - and a diagram of Christian Bale Punching People.