Yates For Fox's Fantastic Reboot?
Monday, 30 August 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
Right after Adrien Brody got fingered for Mr Fantastic, Fox continue to push their franchise reboot forward with a hunt for a director. First out the gates is David Yates.
The Brit helmer, who just finished off Harry Potter for Warner Bros, has proven experience with fantasy franchises, and knows how to balance effects and character. But Yates is also in competition with two other candidates: Joe Carnahan and James McTeigue.
McTeigue, who's currently working on The Raven, is best known as the Wachowski Brothers' protege who directed V for Vendetta. Carnahan, meanwhile, followed up early thriller Narc with the blockbuster fun of The A-Team.
Both have the balls for some hefty action, especially now Marvel are bringing the 3D to everything, but it's hard not to root for Yates. Especially because he gave the world State of Play. Not that anyone at Fox will have seen the original BBC TV series - they're too busy sorting out rumour from fact. And throwing money at whoever will touch Fantastic Four after that Rise of the Silver Surfer malarkey.
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Friday, 27 August 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
Director: Edgar Wright
Cast: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Ellen Wong, Keiran Culkin, Anna Kendrick, Mark Webber
Certificate: 12A
This is Scott Pilgrim (Cera). Scott Pilgrim’s precious little life involves computer games, sleeping and not much else. Unless you count his band, Sex Bob-Omb. They suck. Scott lives with his gay roommate Wallace Wells (Culkin) and is dating a high schooler called Knives Chau (Wong). She’s Chinese. Then one day into his head rollerblades the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers (Winstead). And every adolescent boy knows exactly what that means: awkward chat-up lines, making out and some serious Street Fighter action.
New Interactive Scott Pilgrim Trailer!
Thursday, 05 August 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
Ruffalo Confirmed as Marvel's Hulk
Saturday, 24 July 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
Well, Marvel have managed it: they've successfully replaced Edward Norton with Mark Ruffalo.
As today's Marvel panel at Comic-Con draws closer, Deadline have confirmed that the deal has been signed, just in time to wheel out Ruffalo in front of Hall H's screaming geek hordes in a a matter of hours.
Not that they've announced it officially, of course - Marvel want the big reveal to come on stage in San Diego, when they line-up all of The Avengers. Well, Chris Evans (Captain America), Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man), Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk).
Add in Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L Jackson and it's a solid cast for director Joss Whedon - confirmed by himself earlier in the week - and he'll be pleased with Marvel's last-minute save. It's sad to see Edward Norton go, but Ruffalo? He's an awesome character actor too. And he's a good fit for the role.
As for Ant-Man? Well, the less said about Nathan Fillion's joke announcement the better - it's mean to laugh at all the people that one fooled.
UPDATE: Final Scott Pilgrim Trailer Remix!
Wednesday, 21 July 2010 Written by Ivan Radford

Ok, at first you may not have been convinced - a remix of a trailer? What's the point? Well, as Osymyso has clearly proved, the point is that it's frickin' awesome. Seven evil times awesome thanks to the last, final video over at JoBlo. Which means there are no more remixes. WHAT?
Yes, Scott Pilgrim vs the World is still on its way towards us - the videos lead perfectly up to this week's Comic-Con - and those of us with a spinal cord still in tact are slobbering over the carpet like starved dogs. Dogs who like comic books and really, really good movies.
To reinforce this dignified pose, Edgar has brought in Brit DJ Osymyso to come up with some remixed trailers, leading up to the massive Comic-Con preview which will obviously stun us all. The first one - Prepare - takes a track from the score (Bass Battle) and a load of cool dialogue and turns it into a work of visual genius. The second is a quick riff on character intros, simply called "Hey".
Remember the Spaced Jam on the series' DVD? Yeah, it's the same guy. And he's still got the magic.
Expect more magic in the run-up to Friday August 25th. Until then, read on for pure Pilgrim amazement. Epic epicness, if you will.
Mark Ruffalo for Marvel's Hulk?
Thursday, 15 July 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
Now Edward Norton's calmed down and shifted back into human form, Marvel are continuing their hunt for a replacement Bruce Banner. The surprise contender approached for the role? Mark Ruffalo.
Yes, the Shutter Island co-star, who's had memorable turns in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Brothers Bloom, is in "late stage talks" to take on the big green Bruce in the upcoming Avengers film. Not convinced? Well, he's certainly a better fit than Joaquin Phoenix.
Joining Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury, Downey Jr's Tony Stark and Chris Evans' Captain America, Marvel are still gunning for the full cast reveal at Comic-Con this year. But time is running out for their last-minute negotiations, especially with their stage slot confirmed. Joss Whedon will even be there - he still hasn't been confirmed as the director, despite the fact that it is clearly true.
In the meantime, here's the best way to check how convincing this is: go back through Mark Ruffalo's catalogue and replace his name with "THE HULK". Just to make sure it sounds right.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Monday, 05 April 2010 Written by Ivan Radford
Director: Edgar Wright
Cast: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Chris Evans, Jason Schwartzman, Brandon Routh
Certificate: TBC
Release Date: Wednesday 25th August
Meet charming and jobless Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera). He's 22, and a bass guitarist for totally average garage band Sex Bob-omb. And he's just met the girl of his dreams. Literally. The only catch about dating Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead)? He'll have to defeat her 7 evil exes.
Based on Bryan Lee O'Malley's graphic novels, director Edgar Wright (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) tells the amazing story of one slacker’s quest to power up with love.
As Scott gets closer to Ramona, he must battle an increasingly vicious series of exes — from infamous skateboarders to vegan rock stars. And if he hopes to win his true love, he must vanquish them all before it really is game over. Get ready for Scott Pilgrim vs the World, an epic of epic epicness.