You know how it is. You're out rock climbing. You meet a man. He looks a lot like James Franco. James Franco's pretty hot. He asks you to plummet to certain doom and see his secret cave pool. And, of course, you agree.
That's pretty much what happens in this new clip from 127 Hours, Danny Boyle's true-life tale of Aron Ralston. The incredible trailer already gave us a glimpse of Aron's new-found friends (Kate Mara and Amber Tamblyn if you were wondering) but now you can enjoy their water-soaked company for an extra couple of minutes. Then you can worry later about Aron getting his arm stuck under a rock and being trapped in a Utah canyon until he... well, you know.
127 Hours has been blowing away festival audiences in Toronto, with standing ovations and crowd buzz the likes of which haven't been since since Slumdog - oh, wait. With only a few weeks to go before Danny Boyle closes the London Film Festival on Thursday 28th October, the excitement is through the roof. And breaking through the neighbour's front door.
127 Hours is released in UK cinemas on Friday 5th November. Check out the trailer over here, see the full LFF line-up, or read on for the new clip, courtesy of Cinema Blend - thanks Cinema Blend. Thinema Blend.