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Home Blog Latest Avatar Inspires Industry Makeover
Avatar Inspires Industry Makeover Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Monday, 11 January 2010 20:21

Well, we all saw this coming. Avatar's phenomenal (and frankly quite terrifying) box office takings have got other studios interested in the money you can make from 3-D prices. It's costly to make a new 3-D film from scratch, but feeding a 2-D movie through a computer and out into the third dimension? That's pretty simple. It only takes 16 weeks - according to one company The Times spoke to.

So a spate of re-releases looks likely now, with action blockbusters at the front of the list. And who's heading up that list? Why, George Lucas of course. He's all set to throw more money at Star Wars and poke our eyes out with bits of Death Star and Ewok appendages. Then we'll get Lord of the Rings around 2012 (post-Hobbit), with films like The Matrix sure to follow.

There's already an old Disney film getting the dimensional treatment (Beauty and the Beast) and we're all looking forward to Saw VII in 3-D. But the ripples spread wider than that. Ridley Scott's even in on the game now, having asked Universal for an extra $8million to get Robin Hood to wow our retinas. If he touches Blade Runner I'll be forced to recycle my 3-D glasses up his arse.

So, after 3 weeks and $1.14 billion offered up by the blued up public, Avatar has already begun to revolutionise the industry. Thank you James Cameron. Thank you for showing us the future: a Hollywood of rehashes and expensive tickets. No wonder people are so keen to escape to Pandora. I bet the Magic Tree of Life would shit itself if the Na'vi started wearing those glasses.
