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Home Blog Features The Fantastic Mr. Star Fox - SNES Anderson?
The Fantastic Mr. Star Fox - SNES Anderson? Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Friday, 11 March 2011 08:50

Fox McCloud has spent years defending the Lylat system, but there's one enemy he's never been able to defeat... himself. 

So this is pretty much the greatest thing that has ever been done involving space, Wes Anderson and stop-motion furry puppets - unless Wes Anderson were to actually make this film. Particular highlights include the banjo and Owen Wilson's Falcon saying "Einstein".



If that slice of whimsical sci-fi genius hasn't made you re-evaluate your life (namely, how you've lived for so many years without making this video yourself, or the fact that you blame a giant space head for your father's death) then you should probably go and watch Rushmore or The Life Aquatic again. In fact, just to prove how accurate The Fantastic Mr. Star Fox really is...



Fact of the week: you can't barrel roll away from who you are.

