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Home Blog Latest Spot the difference: NO, starring Gael Garcia Bernal
Spot the difference: NO, starring Gael Garcia Bernal Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Friday, 08 February 2013 08:05

Gael Garcia Bernal, No campaign - Chile 

Spot the difference. One is a photo of Chile's campaign for the "No" vote against Pinochet in 1988. The other is a photo of Gael Garcia Bernal in Pablo Larrain's new film, made last year.

The reason they look so similar? Because the movie was all shot on U-matic cameras, giving Larrain's gripping drama a realistic edge and appearance that wallops its point home with class.

In a week where Wreck-It Ralph sells products to children by dressing it up as something else, the story of a group of people selling democracy by dressing it up as a product has lost none of its relevance or ingenuity. Pablo Larrain does the same thing by dressing his story up as documentary footage. The result is fantastic, a moving and inspiring tale of democracy in action. It's one of my favourite films of the year so far.

Here's a clip of Gael Garcia Bernal in full bearded-Don Draper mode, pitching the whole idea:



Can't spot the difference between the advert and the drama? No? That's partly the point of NO. And NO knows it's no no-no - as long the audience knows, you know?

So next time someone asks you to see NO, or you see a poster trying to sell it, don't think: "Oh, no." Say: "HELL YES."


Read our full review of NO from the London Film Festival last year.