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Home Blog Latest Google Founders Get Big Screen Treatment
Google Founders Get Big Screen Treatment Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Friday, 20 August 2010 10:05

Geeks have long ruled Hollywood - the geeky fans, that is, who like comic books and video games. But thanks to David Fincher's The Social Network, the other geeks are starting to muscle in on the big screen: the rich successful ones who founded stuff like Facebook. Or Google. And now both of their founders have a movie on the way.

Yes, Larry Page and Sergey Brin will soon be in a multiplex near you, bringing you the harrowing tale of how they invented a website that changed the world. What an original idea. 

Groundswell Productions have bought the rights to the requisite book, Ken Auletta’s cheerfully titled paperback Googled: The End of the World As We Know it. It tells the story of how Sergey and Larry defied their stageshow magician names and, while students at Stanford, tried to invent a way to make money without "doing evil".

"It's about these two young guys who created a company that changed the world, and how the world in turn changed them," producer Michael London explained to Deadline. "The heart of the movie is their wonderful edict: don't be evil."

As the company start to release their own operating system, taking over even more of the computer world, it'll be interesting to see how the movie develops. You never know, it may put Google officially on the map (ahem). Or at least make the way for Bill Gates: A Window Into His Soul, or, even better, Twitter: The Movie. Read on for an awesome trailer for that one.





  • biopic
  • chrome
  • founder
  • google
  • groundswell productions
  • jesse eisenberg
  • ken auletta
  • larry page
  • michael london
  • microsoft
  • sergey brin