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6 things that won't make you as angry as Mea Maxima Culpa | ![]() |
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Written by Ivan Radford |
Sunday, 17 February 2013 09:06 |
I'm not normally one to recommend things that make you angry. From the rich-loving ideology of our unelected coalition government to the fact that Curly Wurlys have doubled in price since I was a kid, there are so many annoying, irritating and downright agonising things about existence that make you want to set your clothes on fire and run away to a quiet cabin in the middle of the woods (where, hopefully, they have replacement clothes) - and that's just before you've had to face breakfast. So why should I start now? Because sometimes in this hellish universe of human cock-ups, something comes along that makes you angrier than almost anything else. That something is a documentary by Alex Gibney and it's out in cinemas now. How rage-inducing is it? To put it in perspective, here are six things that won't make you as angry: 1. The X FactorFrom its encouragement of people to laugh at other, non-talented people to its hijacking of popular music to the fact that people at work will talk about nothing else other than crass reality TV programmes and the fake celebrity culture that surrounds them, The X Factor and its ilk are long-term sources of annoyance. The fact that even complaining about it has become old-hat is maddening. Or at least it would be, if I gave a feck about whoever the hell all these apparently famous people are.
2. People slurping their teaWhy anyone would choose to make this noise is beyond me. 3. People walking slowly in front of youThe day when walking slowly in the middle of the pavement becomes an arrestable offence is the day I stop wanting to punch tourists in the back of the head. 4. Spam emailsI'm already well aware how small my manhood is. Sending me emails telling me how I can change that from addresses like " This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " - because there are already 26 other email senders out there with giant dicks - isn't going to make me feel any better about myself. 5. Footballers' wagesIf you're lucky enough to do what you love for a career, money shouldn't be important. When I was young, the amount footballers get paid in comparison to any other profession (apart from banking) was already ridiculous. Now it's just disgusting. 6. The Central LineThe most inefficient and unreliable embodiment of public service since Nick Clegg. What could make you more angry than any of those? The abuse of young children within the Catholic Church
In the 1970s, a group of deaf children were abused by a Catholic priest in a school in Milwaukee. If this were a standalone case, it would be sickening. But Gibney's documentary shows that this is just one example of a string of ongoing abuse by a religious organisation supposedly entrusted with the care and protection of human souls by God, which has spent millions on covering up their behaviour at every level of the church - right up to the Pope himself. Sorry, the former Pope who resigned this week for "health reasons". If that doesn't make you indignant with fury, I don't know what will. Even the Central Line isn't that bad. Read our review of Mea Maxima Culpa here.