Yes, Thomas Haden Church has hopped onto the cast list for John Carter of Mars, alongside Mark Strong and James Purefoy. The three actors join Taylor Kitsch (playing John Carter) in this live-action adaptation of Edgar Rice Burrough's series of novels. Oh, and it's directed by Andrew Stanton. From Pixar. Thought that'd get you excited.
Kitsch, who we all know now from X-Men Origins: Wolverine, plays John, a US Civil War vet who hides out in a cave from Indians who are chasing him. Cue him falling asleep, only to wake up on Mars, where he meets Tal Hajus (Haden Church), a Thark warrior, and the Kantos Kan (Purefoy), Captain of Xavarian, a ship of war for the kingdom of Helium.
And so the weird, wonderfulness continues in crazy sci-fi land, with CGI and prosthetics galore - the Martians are divided into Red, Green and White (the Therns, a godlike race with no hair). Already in the cast are also Samantha Morton, Dominic West, and Willem Defoe. This should be incredible.