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Home Blog Latest The Oscars: Now Even Longer
The Oscars: Now Even Longer Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Wednesday, 24 June 2009 16:08

I like sleep. Sleep is good. Sometimes, I'll miss sleep, for something really important like The Oscars, or Jurassic Park III repeats on ITV2. But doze with one eye open, people, for while you slumber The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have hatched an evil plan: to make the Oscars longer.

Yes, the number of nominees for Best Picture is going to double, from 5 to 10. “Having 10 Best Picture nominees is going allow Academy voters to recognize and include some of the fantastic movies that often show up in the other Oscar categories, but have been squeezed out of the race for the top prize", said President Sid Ganis, chuffed with their decision to return to the Oscar's older format - back in 1943, there were more than 5 nominees. Casablanca won.

More nods for fringe efforts is all well and good, but does it really make up for missing out The Dark Knight last year? Given that a film still needs the most votes to win the damn thing, I'm going to go for a big fat no. Now excuse me: I'm off to hibernate ready for next year.