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Home Blog Latest Stop all that! A Liar's Autobiography trailer is very, very silly
Stop all that! A Liar's Autobiography trailer is very, very silly Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 04 September 2012 06:55

 A Liar's Autobiography trailer

Five Monty Pythons. Back together again. Including the dead one.

Yes, it's the trailer for A Liar's Autobiography, the animated version of Graham Chapman's memoir's. Half of it's made up. The other half is very, very silly. And the whole thing looks abso-ruddy-lutely marvellous. Changing styles, genuine voice recordings and all of Flying Circus' bonkers editing? Yes please.

"The best film I've been in since I died!" says Chapman. Presumably right ahead of the Live at Aspen recording, where his ashes got knocked all over the carpet.

Read on for the A Liar's Autobiography trailer. It's out in the UK next year. But I'm very hopeful that it'll makean appearance at the London Film Festival in October.




  • bill jones
  • eric idle
  • graham chapman
  • john cleese
  • london film festival
  • michael palin
  • monty python
  • terry jones