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And the Trailer of the Week Award Goes to... |
Written by Ivan Radford |
Friday, 16 December 2011 05:24 |
After a week of G.I. LOLs, Tommy Lee Jones impressions, Sacha Baron Cohen turning Dictator and The Expendables 2 trailer, it's hard to pick the silliest video of the week. Then you see this:
Yes, Rock of Ages has ghetto-blasted its own trailer onto the web and Hairspray director Adam Shankman has somehow combined Paul Giamatti, Alex Baldwin, Russell Brand, Catherine Zeta-Jones and a topless Tom Cruise to make what it surely the biggest pile of bouldersash of all time. And that includes the New Year's Eve trailer. Read on to watch the indisputable winner of the trailer of the week award. And then laugh at it some more.
Oh, and boulderdash? That was a pun, by the way. And it'll seem ten times less rubbish if you read it after watching the Rock of Ages trailer a second time.