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Home Blog Latest New J. Edgar Trailer Needs More Muppets
New J. Edgar Trailer Needs More Muppets Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 20 September 2011 06:50

"Even great men can be corrupted."

So speaks Leonardo DiCaprio in his thick accent as he walks through the new trailer for J. Edgar. Bleak visuals, intense shouting, period detail, loud operatic strings... This is the Clint Eastwood that we (and the Academy Awards) love. It's just a shame there are no Muppets in it.

Such is the brilliance of the Muppets marketing machine that whenever I see a new trailer, I secretly hope that they'll turn up halfway through - the idea of Kermit as J. Edgar Hoover and Armie Hammer turning into Fozzie is only topped by the image of Miss Piggy replacing Judi Dench as Hoover's mum. But alas, it's not to be. Instead, we get some dodgy old person make-up that looks like a Muppet gone wrong.

Still, there's no reason to be disappointed. Eastwood's biopic of the CIA founder may look a little overwrought, but it certainly carries all the conviction of a heavyweight director. Even if does go all Changeling on us, it looks far more interesting than Invictus. And it should make an interesting companion piece to Michael Mann's Public Enemies.



J. Edgar is out in cinemas on Friday 20th January next year. I expect a Muppets parody before then.