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Home Blog Latest Happy William Shatner Day!
Happy William Shatner Day! Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 22 March 2011 12:14

Today is the 80th birthday of Bill Shatner - THE MOST AWESOME BEING ALIVE.

Yes, 80 years ago the world witnessed the birth of the greatest actor, singer, performer, starship captain and author who ever lived. To celebrate, try putting huge pauses into everything you say. Or, if you're a true Shatner fan, why not sleep with a common person? Even better, give them this commemorative card




Some amazing things about William Shatner:

1. He does an amazing cover of Common People. It's even better than the original. FACT.



Plus his album Has Been was produced by Ben Folds, so it's actually really decent.


2. He is not afraid to poke fun at himself.


3. He played himself in Miss Congeniality - THE GREATEST FILM EVER MADE.


4. This:






  • star trek
  • william shatner