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Home Blog Latest Mel Gibson and Beaver and Trailer, Oh My!
Mel Gibson and Beaver and Trailer, Oh My! Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Saturday, 04 December 2010 09:23

Either this trailer's been really well cut or it's my lemur hand-puppet talking, but this is looking rather good. Yes, I'm talking about the trailer for the film about Mel Gibson's beaver.

We all thought it had been put back by Summit Entertainment after the recent, erm, incidents, but now The Beaver is on its way to US cinemas in Spring 2011. Hooray for anti-Semites and their therapeutic puppets!




Has Mel gone gonzo (puppet pun ahoy!) and pulled a Joaquin Phoenix on us? Was all that racist and misogynistic stuff just a marketing ploy to build up to Jodie Foster's film? Is Ben Stiller going to pop up any minute and play himself again?

No. His beard's not big enough. And the trailer's too sentimental towards the end to have ever been coincidentally parallel to real life. Plus there's no way anyone could pretend to be that mental. Mel's just not that great an actor. I mean, look at Braveheart. Or, more preferably, don't. 


  • anton yelchin
  • jodie foster
  • mel gibson
  • misogynist
  • passion of the christ
  • puppet
  • racist
  • summit entertainment
  • the beaver
  • video
  • what women want