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Home Blog Latest Tony Gilroy's Legacy Leaves Out Bourne
Tony Gilroy's Legacy Leaves Out Bourne Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Monday, 11 October 2010 08:47

After last week's announcement that The Bourney Legacy was looking to fall into the hands of Tony Gilroy, the director contacted Hollywood Elsewhere to clarify a few details. Namely, that Legacy will leave out Jason Bourne altogether.

With Greengrass gone bye bye, it was clear that Matt Damon wouldn't return to the role of the amnesiac spy, but Universal were keen to continue the franchise. Which is why Bourne writer Gilroy has stepped up with one of the novels in the series, but a whole new hero:

"This is not a reboot or a recast or a prequel. No one's replacing Matt Damon. There will be a whole new hero, a whole new chapter. This is a stand-alone project," he told Jeff Wells. "The easiest way to think of it is an expansion or a reveal. Jason Bourne will not be in this film, but he's very much alive."

The Michael Clayton creator added: "What happened in the first three films is the trigger for what happens. I'm building a legend and an environment and a wider conspiracy. The world we're making enhances and advances and invites Jason Bourne's return [down the road]."

Promising to draw viewers into the bigger picture, Gilroy's idea plays on the Legacy of the title, and will presumably fashion a new style of thriller, away from Greengrass' handheld action. But even if they come up with a clever bit of script, it'll be tough to top The Bourne Ultimatum, which worked as a fantastic final part to the Treadstone story.



  • franchise
  • matt damon
  • michael clayton
  • paul greengrass
  • reboot
  • robert ludlum
  • sequel
  • the bourne identity
  • the bourne legacy
  • the bourne supremacy
  • the bourne ultimatum
  • tony gilroy