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Home Blog Latest Tony Scott Picks Up Nemesis
Tony Scott Picks Up Nemesis Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Monday, 09 August 2010 08:16

Tony Scott has got himself a Nemesis - namely Mark Millar's Nemesis. Yes, the director is in position to helm an adaptation of the Kick-ass creator's latest comic book series.

Co-written by Steve McNiven, the series sees superhero lore tinkered with once more, but this time from the bad guy's side of things. Matt Anderson is a rich man whose parents die in a Batman-like tragedy, leaving him to continue the family enterprise. Which is, naturally, being evil and villainous. His biggest criminal scheme? Terrorising Blake Morrow, the cop who caught his parents in the first place.

The rights have been snapped up by 20th Century Fox, and with Ridley's oh-so-talented brother attached, all the project needs now is someone to scribble a screenplay. We're looking at you, Matthew Vaughn and Jane Goldman...