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Home Blog Latest Karl Urban Confirms Judge Dredd Rumours
Karl Urban Confirms Judge Dredd Rumours Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Friday, 23 July 2010 09:23

Would you talk about this guy behind his back? Rumours were flying around Comic-Con (were you there?) yesterday about Karl Urban being offered the part of Judge Dredd in a new film. Naturally, those nifty guys at Film School Rejects promptly hassled him until he told them all about it.

During the press conference for spy thriller Red (still at Comic-Con, remember) Karl confirmed the rumours:

"I can’t say too much about it, but I have been offered the role and we’ve been having discussions. We’re working on it."

Written by Alex Garland (of 28 Days Later/The Beach fame) and directed by Pete "Vantage Point" Travis, Judge Dredd's new outing will be in 3-D and, it seems, will be starring a fan of the comics - Urban also added that he had been reading them "for 25 years". The question is: can he read them with his helmet on?


  • alex garland
  • comic
  • comic-con
  • judge dredd
  • karl urban
  • pete travis
  • red
  • remake
  • rumours