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Home Blog Latest Fab Four Dead Set on Movie
Fab Four Dead Set on Movie Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 11 May 2010 09:20

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Sense and Sensiblity and Sea Monsters. Mr Darcy - Vampyre. The zombie craze just goes on and on. With Pride and Prej and Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter both in the Hollywood pipeline, it's hard to know what'll turn up next. Zombie Rock Band?

Well, not quite. But we will be getting Alan Goldsher's Paul is Dead: The British Zombie Invasion, which sees John Lennon zombify the rest of The Beatles before heading out on a course of world domination. Hunted by Mick Jagger, of course. And a ninja Yoko Ono.

Producers Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher are well keen:

"Alan's mash up really showcases his love of music history and his appreciation of the zombie world. How can you not love a book where Jesus agrees with a zombie John Lennon that the Beatles are in fact bigger than him?"

Maybe you can love that book. Whether you can love the film of the book is another matter. Are you sick of the zombie plague yet?