Yes, that's right. Arrested Development's development has been arrested. Well, it has according to David Cross, who was chatting to TV Squad about his new stand-up show:
"It's not going to happen. It's been way too long, there's so many people involved, everyone's doing their own thing, and everybody's aged. I'm sure I speak for everybody when I say we'd love for it to happen, we'd love to work on it, but just I don't think... not going to happen."
The legendary "analrapist" Tobias Funke, there, shooting down everyone's dreams - just when we'd all started to blue ourselves. He went on to add:
"It would be great to do it on TV. Like kind of what they do in Britain. If they have a successful show, the comedy shows at least, they'll have a Christmas special... It would feel odd on anything over 42 inches."
So that's it - happiness has gone from the universe. Remember this feeling kids. This is what it's like when hope gets punched in the ovaries. All that talk about Michael Hurwitz actually bringing us an AD movie? That was just a trick - and a trick is something a whore does for money. And drugs.
To catch up with the Bluths, read's Arrested Development Season 4 review.