It was hard not to absolutely adore The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, aka The Swedish Bum Rape Film. But as with all wonderful foreign features, some Hollywood guy bought up the rights for a remake sharpish, all ready to turn the Scandinavian class into some dumbed down popcorn fest.
Well, lay your fears to rest today, folks, because The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (American version) will be directed by none other than David Fincher. He was hovering around it a while back when the project first surfaced, but now he's confirmed that he'll helm the harrowing crime thriller - part one of Stieg Larsson's Millenium Trilogy.
So while Stieg's final part, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest, hits bookshelves in paperback today, celebrate the news that a talented film-maker is on board. With his Facebook founding flick The Social Network pretty much finished, he's looking to move onto Lisbeth Salander's tale in September - Steve Zaillian's knocking out a screenplay this very minute.
But who will be reading the lines on screen? Carey Mulligan was once in the frame for the enigmatic, feisty lead, but Fincher's after an unknown actress; shame, really, because our Carey would've been a great fit for the role. Still, at least she knows she's safe from unsavoury sexual abuse. Because let's be honest, unlike some American directors, Fincher won't be one to flinch away from that.