Is there anything Christopher Nolan cannot do? Warner Bros clearly don't think so, because they've signed him up to make Superman sexy again - whether he ever was in the first place is up for debate (Brandon Routh? Phwoar). The original Superman outings (well, the first two) were solid comic book classics, but then the series lost its way, becoming camper and crappier by the movie.
Bryan Singer's 2006 reboot - which I rather enjoyed - didn't please the fans or the studios, and so Christopher Nolan has been brought on board. Not as a director, you understand. More of a "godfather" role in mentoring the overall project.
Nolan is currently putting the last touches to the Warner Bros-funded Inception, his own personal blockbuster, before turning to the Man of Steel, which the studio are keen to distance from Singer's previous attempt. A grittier, darker take on Superman? It might well be possible, although it would be nice to keep Brandon Routh in the frame - he was an excellent Clark Kent. And he had thighs of pure thunder.
Either way, Warner Bros will be keen to avoid the financial crisis of Superman Returns, which barely recouped its costs at the box office. Then again, they've already ensured that won't happen with eight simple words: Christopher Nolan will oversee the new Superman movie.
And if that hasn't got you excited, digest this: Nolan's also started work on Batman 3, for which he has finally found an idea he's happy with. He and brother Jonathan (and David Goyer) are scribbling away right now.