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Repo Men Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Friday, 16 April 2010 19:13
Director: Miguel Sapochnik
Cast: Jude Law, Forest Whitaker, Liev Schreiber, Alice Braga
Certificate: 18

Science fiction is a very interesting genre that has its audience, despite the specific reflection of reality and interest in unusual topics. This genre is very popular not only in literature, buy book report to read more about it, but also in movies, one of which we analyzed below.

We've all been there - taken out a credit plan to pay for a new kidney or fresh liver. But in the shiny distant future, The Union (a friendly national corporation) is there to manage it all for you. But what happens when you default on your repayments? Well, the Repo Men pay you a visit. Yes, Jude Law will turn up in your bedroom with a view to taking your clothes off. But then he'll cut out your organ with a hacksaw.

Remy (Law) has no problem with his work - he and buddy Jake (Whitaker) love getting out the knives and slicing up meat. But, of course, Remy's ticker soon gets fried, so he gets fitted up with the company's latest heart model. With that comes a new found conscience, and a life on the run from his old friend.

The cast are all enjoying themselves in this trashy bit of sci-fi action. But what starts off as a funny and clever concept quickly loses its way with all the gunfights and Alice Braga's predictable love interest. Miguel Sapochnik gives it some grit when away from The Union's spotless corridors, but soon hacks out the movie's brains with mindless violence. Any chance to see Liev Schreiber on top sleazy form is a pleasure, but Repo Men isn't all that pleasant.


Repo Men's dystopian humour drowns in debt-fuelled organ mashing. A run-of-the-mill slab of chaotic action.


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