Review: Thor 2

"How's space?" "Space is fine."

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A review of The Proclaimers' musical to the tune of (500) Miles. (Warning: Contains bad singing.)

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A heart-rending British drama starring two astonishing young actors.

World War H – or hate’s not all that

What do Shyamalan, World War Z and Man of Steel have in common? Hype - and hate.


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Thor thundered ahead at the UK Box Office this week, holding on the top spot after its £5m debut. 

Marvel's superhero lost around 40% of last week's takings, but has hammered together a £9.5m running total, which will keep the makers of The Avengers happy for now.

Fast Five is right behind the God of Thunder with £1.6m stashed firmly in the boot. After three weeks on release, Vin Diesel's racer has accelerated past the £13.5m gross from the last Fast and Furious film, making it the fastest and most furious in the whole series. Bald men up and down the country will be sweating profusely with excitement.

Insidious, meanwhile, is in a strong third position, boasting a teeny 9% drop as people begin to spread the word about the Saw director's horror film. It's almost at the £4m mark in total, but expect this one to reach a fair bit higher than that.

All the three holdovers held back the weekend's new releases. Emerging at the head of the pack is Water for Elephants, the watery film about elephants and Robert Pattinson. Thanks to previews from Wednesday onwards, R-Patz beat Saoirse Ronan's Hanna to the UK Top Ten's fourth spot. But we all know she could take him in a proper fight.

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If there's one thing Paul Bettany's good at, it's kicking ass for the Lord. And now to celebrate the new trailer for Priest, we've got two new stills from Scott Stewart's religious shoot-em-up. And they're pretty much exactly what you'd expect.

Teaming up again after the floppy wobbly Legion, Stewart's actioner sees Paul Bettany's Priest (read: trained killer in a war against vampires) trying to live an everyday life in a dystopian city controlled by the Church. But when vampires kidnap his niece, he goes back into business. And apparently hops onto his sexy black motorbike.

Yes, clerics, guns and bikes (oh my) are the order of the day. And when that's not fast enough for him, Bettany jumps around on the side of trains to get his speed fix. With him on his crusade for vengeance is Maggie Q's Priestess. She has has otherwordly fighting skills, naturally.

The best bit about the new trailer? There's oodles of Karl Urban's bad guy. And he's wearing A HAT. He also conducts an invisible orchestra at one point. To enjoy Urban's growly nemesis, check out the trailer in our videos section, or read on for the video plus the sexy stills of Bettany's man of God.

Priest hits cinemas on Friday 13th May next year.

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After the floppy wobbly Legion, Scott Stewart and Paul Bettany are back with another religious session of ass kicking with Priest. Judging by the trailer, which is now online, it might be an improvement.

Naturally, the manga it's based on has vampires in it - evil, blind, underground dwelling bloodsuckers, who have been at war with man for decades. After the church took over government, they trained up fighting priests to rid the world of the scummy sinful creatures.

Enter Paul Bettany. Now, though, the vampires have been largely defeated, and our titular priest is trying to live a normal everyday life. Then some rogue vampires kidnap his niece. So he goes back to kicking ass for the Lord.

It's not that bad looking, given the cheesy dialogue and copious slow-motion. There's an especially interesting bit at 1:01, where you can see a crazy man in a hat conducting an invisible orchestra. For the trailer, head over to First Showing. For more on invisible orchestras, head here. Alternatively, just read on for the video.

Priest hits cinemas in May 2011. Oh, and it'll be in 3D.


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