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We remade the Oldboy poster better

Spike Lee's remake got off to a bad start with this poster - so we remade it.


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Home Blog Features I remade the Oldboy poster better
I remade the Oldboy poster better Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
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Earlier this week, the poster for Spike Lee's Oldboy was released. Ironically enough, I really wanted someone to remake it - because it looked pretty naff. Here it is:

Since then, I've discovered that it's apparently an actual still from the movie and not a random Photoshop job, which makes the whole thing a lot more intriguing; that composition isn't some whipped-up digital creation but something much more literal and, stylistically, unexpected from Spike Lee.

But by that point it was too late: I'd already reached for the Photoshop icon on my computer and started to remake it better myself. After all, if the Oldboy poster was going to look that silly, it might as well go all the way and be flat-out ridiculous...

Discworld Oldboy

Oldboyin' USA

Oldboy - The Prize of any Living Room

With thanks to @Redheadfashion (well worth a follow on the Twitters) for the ideas.