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Home Blog Features Welcome to the Punch - the secret to a good film title
Welcome to the Punch - the secret to a good film title Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Wednesday, 13 March 2013 08:32

Welcome to the Punch - title meaning

"Often I get a title or a scene and just run with it from there..."

That's Eran Creevy on Welcome to the Punch, which is out in cinemas on Friday. One thing you can say about it? It has a good title. Eran loves it so much he's been taking pictures of it every time he spots it on a bus and tweeting it for the world to see.

You spend half the film wondering what Welcome to the Punch means. When it's revealed, it's hard not to grin. Eran told me where the name first came from - and about his obsession with film titles. (You can read my full interview with him tomorrow.)

"While we were shooting Shifty, I saw this pub called The Suffolk Punch, which I thought was really cool, like something out of James Ellroy or Elmore Leonard. [Manly voice] 'The Suffolk Punch'. Then I did some research and found out it was a horse... I didn't want to name my movie after a horse! But then I saw the tagline for Jarhead, which was "Welcome to the Suck" and I just had this title in my head: Welcome to the Punch... The thing is you remember it. You see it on a bus or a poster and you remember it."

He has lists of cool titles just waiting to be turned into films, he adds. "If we ever made a sequel, I'd call it The Hong Kong Sector. You know, [Manly voice] 'The Hong Kong Sector'. It just sounds cool!"

But while saying things in manly voices and visiting pubs is a good way to find a cool name, there's another surefire method to checking if a film title works: see how it sounds in another language.

Using the scientifically-infallible combination of IMDb and Google Translate, here is Welcome to the Punch as it will appear around the world:



Welcome to the Punch - Holland poster



Welcome to the Punch - Denmark poster



Welcome to the Punch - Lithuania poster

It turns out that there aren't many items in the human vocabulary quite as expressive as the word "punch". Maybe that's the secret.


Even if the film was released thousands of years ago, when people spoke Latin (not just the Latin people), you'd still end up with that clobbering verb smack at the end of the title:



Welcome to the Punch poster


That is, unless you live in Latvia - you have to go all the way to the Baltics to find a word that adequately communicates the same energy:



Welcome to the Punch - Latvia poster


"WELCOME TO THE PERFORATORS". That in Eran Creevy's manly voice would sound awesome. But even Latvia's Welcome to the Punch title isn't as memorable as the one in Norway...


Welcome to the Punch - Norway

Now there's a film I want to see.



Welcome to the Punch is out in UK cinemas on Friday. Read our review, then go see it - or, even better, go and see it in Norway.