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Home Reviews DVD Reviews DVD Review: Project Nim
DVD Review: Project Nim Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Monday, 09 January 2012 08:45
Project Nim, DVD review
Director: James Marsh
Cast: Bob Angelini, Bern Cohen, Reagan Leonard
Certificate: 12
Release Date: Monday 9th January
RRP: £15.99

Chimp is born. Chimp called Nim. Man take Nim. Man teach Nim sign. Nim learn words: Orange. Play. Hug. Steve. Nim make sentence: "Give orange Nim." "Nim eat orange." "Hug me Nim."

Nim wear jumper. Jumper is red. Nim look cute. Ivan say "Awww..."

We meet Steph. Steph raise Nim. Nim hug Steph. Steph Nim close. (Not like that.)

Nim act human. Nim use toilet. Nim like cat. Nim hump cat. Naughty Nim.

Nim like women. Nim angry men. Men in charge. Men do science. Herb is man. Herb do science. Herb want help. Herb hire women. Herb sex women. Naughty Herb.

Nim not Man on Wire. Nim no walk tightrope. Nim still great. James Marsh clever. Marsh use old footage. Marsh add new video. Both look same. Nim footage cute. Nim photos cute. Nim music sad. Then music happy. Project Nim moving.

Marsh subtle director. Marsh make human sit. Human tell story. Human seem nice. Nim trust human. Human betray Nim. Human take family. Human experiment Nim. Nim alone cage. Project Nim upsetting.

Marsh no judge. Nim animal violent. Human not nice. Science test wrong. Language learn good. Documentary ask question. Documentary no answer. Nim forgive human?

Nim like other ape film. Nim no helicopters. Nim true story.

Nim DVD fascinating. DVD show photos. Photos include jumper. Jumper still cute. Making Of Nim good. Behind scenes amazing. Dramatic recreation smart: Man wear chimp costume. Man learn chimp speak. (Ivan spot irony.)

Nim sad film. Nim Ivan sad. Poor sad Ivan. Give orange Ivan. Ivan eat orange. Hug me Ivan. Ivan go cry.


Project Nim awesome. James Marsh great. Nim out now. Buy Nim DVD.

Project Nim, DVD review