I'm Still Here

Committed and convincing, I'm Still Here is a brave and unusual piece of cinema. Fascinating.

The Other Guys

There are flashes of brilliance in this frantic Ferrell vehicle. The Other Guys never shoots to kill, but it frequently finds your funny bone.

Tamara Drewe

Intelligently titillating, Tamara Drewe hides its smarts under a hedgerow of filth. Unassuming, undeniably fun.

Going the Distance

Drew and Justin make sparks fly in this natural, likeable movie. Unlike most rom-coms this year, Going the Distance is worth making the trip to see.


Mumblecore meets mainstream without making a masterpiece. Painful and heartfelt but rarely funny, Cyrus is good but it's no Greenberg.

On the Carpet: Going the Distance

We run amok at the premiere with Justin Long and Drew Barrymore...

The Runaways

A run-of-the-mill rock biopic elevated by its quick script and great cast. Forget mopey Bella: Kristen Stewart rocks.

The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism blends belief, doubt and humour to produce some seriously scary cinema. Until the dubious ending.

An Education: Cinema's Top Syllabus

With kids back to school and education funding cut, what's the best way to educate your child? Cinema.

The Switch

Ill-conceived but entertaining, the year's second sperm donor rom-com leaves no embarrassing stains.

Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Mature, childish and one of the most energetic things ever put on celluloid, Scott Pilgrim speaks to its audience. It says words like: Love. Life. Nintendo. And Canada.

A Link to the Past

Loved Scott Pilgrim's retro soundtrack? Here's Hollywood's best music, 8-bit Nintendo style.

The Hole 3D

A proper horror for kids big and small, The Hole is a great relief after The Human Centipede. Friendly fun to freak out the hole (ahem) family.

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I'm Still Here - Spoof or Truth?

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Four Lions Print E-mail


Director: Chris Morris
Cast: Riz Ahmed, Kayvan Novak, Nigel Lindsay, Adeel Akhtar
Certificate: TBC
Release Date: Friday 7th May

Chris Morris' Four Lions is a funny, thrilling comedy that illuminates modern jihadism through the prism of farce. It understands jihadists as human beings. And it understands human beings as innately ridiculous. What "This Is Spinal Tap" did for heavy metal and "Dr Strangelove" the Cold War, "Four Lions" does for the modern face of terrorism.

In a British city, four men have a secret plan. Omar (Riz Ahmed) is disillusioned about the treatment of muslims around the world and is determined to become a soldier. This is the most exciting idea Waj (Kayvan Novak) has ever heard. Better still it’s a no brainer because Omar does his thinking for him. Opposed to Omar and everyone else on earth is the white islamic convert Barry (Nigel Lindsay). He’d realize he joined the cell to channel his nihilism - if he had half the self knowledge of a duck. Faisal (Adeel Akhtar) is the odd man out. He can make a bomb – but he can’t blow himself up just now coz his sick dad has “started eating newspaper”. Instead he’s training crows to fly bombs through windows. This is what Omar has to deal with. They must strike a decisive blow on their own turf but can any of them strike a match without punching himself in the face?











Clip: "She's got a beard"





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